Due to the current volatility in market conditions and abnormally low interest rates, Shelter Community Housing Corporation is not accepting applications for housing assistance for the 2021-2022 construction season.
Partner Builders
Read all the requirements in the Request for Proposal download provided above.
Identify plans that meet the development specifications & price them
Partner Builder selection process, architectural review, & Notification
See link to scoring sheet above.
This process will be undertaken by a multi-member committee, and scored according to the attached scoring sheet for transparency. Selected Partner Builders will be informed of their selection, and given any feedback on the architectural review portion to help with function, efficiency, compliance, and/or marketing. They will be notified of their selection and invited to the lot selection lottery meeting.
Lot Selection
For the sake of both fairness and transparency, this process will take place by lottery system. Each partner builder selected for year one will have their name in the lottery once per lot for their year 1 build-out commitment. A Shelter CHC representative will draw one name at a time, and builders will be able to select their lots one at a time. From there, we’ll move on to the Year 2 Partner Builders and numbers of lots, and repeat the process. At the end of the process, a finalized map with lots will be created and uploaded to the ShelterCHC website for the project.
Partner Builder Agreements/Contracts
Each Partner Builder will be required to sign a master subcontract agreement with Shelter, as well as individual “task order” contracts for each lot they’ve committed to build out. Their $10,000 escrow/earnest money payment will be collected at the same time to reserve their lots.
Submit the final marketing materials
Shelter will feature all of our Partner Builder homes on the website in our searchable database for the project.
Market and Build!
You’ll likely see inquiries come through to you via the Shelter website, or perhaps you’ll get referrals or develop leads on your own. Each Partner Builder is responsible for the marketing of homes, or in cases that a signed purchase order exists prior to beginning construction, you may have a homeowner to work with through the process.
Find a homeowner
Be sure to let Shelter know AS SOON AS you have a homebuyer. We’ll work with their mortgage lender based of the pre-approval amount and the cost of the house they’ve selected to figure out what subsidies and/or grants need to be packaged together to make that home attainable for them, and work on the financing portion while their home is being constructed.
Substantial completion, punch-list, final cleaning, Certificate of Occupancy, and final closing: It all comes together and you get to hand the homeowner their keys.