Due to the current volatility in market conditions and abnormally low interest rates, Shelter Community Housing Corporation is not accepting applications for housing assistance for the 2021-2022 construction season.
Who is
Shelter exists to support rural families and economic developers in the creation of attainable workforce and senior housing. These solutions can also be scaled to meet the needs of our major employers and the rural communities that they call home.
Clinton Powell
Executive Director
Clint's primary specialty is supporting rural communities through creative financing of projects. He works for Brosz Engineering and recently co-founded Shelter Community Housing Corporation to support rural economic development.
Angela Boersma
Elected/Public Representative
Angie is accomplished in both architecture and interior design, and it is through those pursuits that she searches for solutions related to community development. She founded ID8 Architecture in Brookings, South Dakota, in 2018, and recently co-founded Shelter Community Housing Corporation to support rural economic development.
Ron Gillen
Ron Gillen has over 41 year of experience in the planning, design, construction and maintenance. He uses this experience to assist communities across rural South Dakota, by bringing people together to solve difficult infrastructure challenges. Ron recently co-founded Shelter Community Housing Corporation to help alleviate workforce housing issues in the many communities he serves.
Eric Ambroson
Planning District Representative
As an employee of Planning and Development District III for the last 21 years, Eric has the opportunity to work as an administrative resource on projects such as fire halls, libraries, water and wastewater projects, and community centers. He also has the opportunity to work with communities throughout the region on long-range planning and visioning on projects including attainable housing projects. He began his time at District III as the representative of SDHDA’s Governor’s House Program and helped nearly two hundred individuals achieve homeownership.
Mike Knutson
Rural Advocacy Representative
Mike currently serves as the Network Orchestrator and Community Coach for Dakota Resources, a Community Development Financial Institution serving rural South Dakota. In his work he tries to help connect rural changemakers as they work to build thriving rural communities. He has previously developed single family housing and served as a rural school educator.
Linda Salmonsen
REED Fund Representative
Linda Salmonson serves as Economic Development Manager at East River Electric Power Cooperative where she also manages Rural Electric Economic Development, Inc. (REED), a non-profit loan fund governed by 26 electric cooperatives that provides community, business and housing development financing in SD and western MN. Her involvement with cooperatives and rural development provides her with many local connections as well as credibility and experience across the region. Linda’s energy for rural development comes from working to help people in small businesses and small towns succeed.
Financial Services Representative
Bio text here.